Executive Communications

The Provincial Grand Summus has awarded Dist Comp Ernest Hutton his 2022,
and inaugural certificate of appreciation. On behalf of the PGS
Distinguished Companion Tom Blackett visited Ernie on the 30th. June 2022
to present the signed and framed award to him.
Please Click Here to view the July 2021 letter (in PDF Format) from our Deputy Provincial Grand Summus
Companions fantastic news, the Mark Benevolent fund have agreed to purchase a new inshore lifeboat for Sea Palling Voluntary Lifeboat Service at a cost of £56,384.00.
You will recall that this is the charity chosen by the Provincial Grand Summus for our support at our virtual annual meeting last November.
Congratulations to the Assistant Provincial Grand Summus, Phil Cuff who has taken this forward with HQ to receive this magnificent result!
Further details of the naming and hand over of the vessel will follow in due course!
Please Click Here to view the June 2021 letter (in PDF Format) from our Assistant Provincial Grand Summus
13 January 2021.
Dear Companions
Christmas has now been and gone, unfortunately many of us were unable to enjoy the company of family and friends over this festive period. This scenario also applies to our Masonic meetings, but hopefully with the vaccine now gradually being made available we should be able to resume our Masonic meetings sometime this year, hopefully sooner rather than later.
We have many Companions who are not only elderly but also vulnerable and are now having to shield once again now that the UK is in its third lockdown.
Please try to contact those members who may be affected by this latest lockdown by either email or phone. It’s surprising the difference it can make to a Companion’s mood by just having a friendly chat, as they say “it’s good to talk”.
I am Looking forward to seeing you all in person in the New Year, stay safe and well and end by wishing you all a happy healthy and Covid free New Year.
Sincere Best wishes
Phil Cuff.
Assistant Provincial Grand Summus
Provincial Grand Summus's Address to the Companions made at our Zoom Meeting on the 16th. Novenber 2020
I would like to thank you all for tuning in tonight. It is so sad that our Provincial meeting is to be conducted in this way due to Covid 19. At our meeting last year I said that I would like to have a new banner for the Province of East Anglia. I am now able to tell you that permission was granted and we now have our new banner. The old Suffolk and Norfolk banners will be kept and displayed at our Provincial meetings. We could only adopt the banner today, but at the first opportunity to have a proper meeting we will then have a Banner Dedication. Again I would like to thank the anonymous doner for making all this possible. As you have seen I have constituted my Tzaddikim tonight and I am looking forward to investing them with their Sashes and swords as soon as possible. I will then look forward to the Tzaddikim accompanying me on official visits. I also introduced the Travelling Scarlet Cord so it would get the Consistories to visit other Consistories. Yet again, due to Covid 19 this has only happened on two occasions, but I am pleased to say that it was either dropped off or posted to the next President on the list. I am pleased to say that it has visited all 6 Consistories. It will again be travelling to all six consistories this coming year and hopefully this time a party from each consistory will be able to deliver it. All the information about the travelling Scarlet Cord can be found on our Web Site and the address is on the front of your summons, or contact our Web Master Dist.Comp.Peter Pryke
I would like congratulate those companions who received Grand Honours this year Dist. Comp. Peter Worby who received an active rank of Asst.Grand Guarder – Dist Comp. Frederick Steed who received Past Grand Sword Bearer and Dist Comp. Michael John Smith as Past Grand Guarder. Each month the Deputy - Asst. and myself have in turn, kept in touch with all our members with a letter to make sure that they were all OK during these difficult times. Again I ask all members to keep in contact with those companions who are living on their own either with a phone call or an email. Unfortunately we have had some resignations and I have spoken to each of them and where possible tried to get them to change their minds, but I was only successful on one occasion.
Finally I would like to thank Richard Prior and Peter Pryke for making this virtual meeting possible and to you ALL again for attending.
I know that our Grand Summus Most Dist.Comp.Ian Currans would like to say a few words.
Please Click Here to view the November 2020 letter (in PDF Format) from our Deputy Provincial Grand Summus
Please Click Here to view the September 2020 letter (in PDF Format) from our Assistant Provincial Grand Summus
Please Click Here to view the August 2020 letter (in PDF Format) from our Deputy Provincial Grand Summus
Please Click Here to view the Grand Honours for 2020
Please Click Here to view Visit to Orsett Essex
Dear Companions,
I am sorry for the lateness of this report but my computer was out of action for nearly a month from the 15th November. Firstly may I thank each and every one of you that attended my Installation meeting on the 18th November, which was enhanced by a record number of visitors and the largest number of members from East Anglia.
Just two weeks after my Installation, on Tuesday 3rd December, I had the pleasure of accompanying Dist. Companion Cliff Arndt-Snelling and Dist Companion James McKee to M.M.H in London to receive their 5th Grade.
I am hoping to have the new banner for East Anglia made in the new year, and also to form a Tzaddikim. I will be visiting all the Consistories, and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. The Province of East Anglia has been asked if they would like to attend a Preparation ceremony at Orsett, Essex, on Friday 7th February and it would be nice if as many of our members could attend this meeting. The Provincial Recorder will be contacting all the Consistory Recorders a little later with more information.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and families a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New year.
Provincial Grand Summus
18th. June 2019
Dear Companions
On Tuesday evening the Provincial team visited the Godric Consistory for their installation, and it had been agreed that there would also be a Preparation ceremony and this would done by the Provincial team. It was also decided that the province would invite the Province of Essex to attend and if they had any companions that needed their preparation to bring them along and we would include them in the ceremony.
The Asst. Prov Grand Summus took the chair for the preparation ceremony for the ten companions, two companions from Essex and eight from East Anglia who did their preparation ceremony and this was done to a very high standard. The President of Godric Consistory Dist Comp.Will McColl then installed his successor this was also done to a very high standard.
It was great to see so many companions at both the meeting and the festive board, apart from a Provincial meeting I have not seen so many companions attending a consistory meeting. The atmosphere was great, and this was also the feeling of the Provincial Grand Summus for Essex R.Dist Comp.Ray Clare.
Long may this visiting between Consistories and other Provinces continue.
Keith McCully
Provincial Grand Summus in Charge
8th. May 2019
Dear Companions
I had the pleasure of seeing three of our members receive their 4th. Grade at M.M.H on Wednesday the 1st. of May they were David Price – Richard Hawes and Fred Steed. I was also very pleased to see so many companions from East Anglia there to support them.
I attended the Grand Senatus on the 2nd.of May Where I saw two of our companions receive their Grand Ranks and they were Keith Parks Deputy Grand Sword Bearer and John Wilson as Grand Steward, these were both active ranks also our Provincial Recorder Tom Auber who received a promotion to Past Grand Registrar, and again I was very pleased to see so many companions from our province attending and supporting these companions and this wonderful order and I thank you all.
I have more good news on Tuesday the 3rd. of December we have two of our companions receiving their 5th.Grade and they are Companions Cliff Arndt Snelling and James McKee, this will also be at M.M.H and again I hope many of you will be there to support them.
Keith McCully
Provincial Grand Summus in Charge
From our Deputy Provincial Grand Summus in charge
Dist.Comp. Keith Cedric McCully, P.G. Herald
26 March 2019
Dear Companions
At our last Provincial meeting it was agreed that the alms collection should go to the Nook Appeal, a new children’s hospice in Norfolk, and I also asked if you could possibly donate one of your consistory alms collections to this appeal.
I am now thrilled to be able to inform you that we donated £500.00 to the Nook Appeal which will purchase 5 bricks to be placed in the pathway inscribed with : SCARLET CORD. EAST ANGLIA on each brick.
Again many thanks,
DPGS ( In charge )
Please Click Here to view Certificates
Order of the Scarlet Cord
I have been lucky enough to have visited two Provincial meetings over the last two weekends, one in Plymouth and one in West Yorkshire both held on a Saturday mornings. The reason I am telling you about this is because you do not have to be a senior officer in the Scarlet Cord to make these visits, anybody can attend and you will always be made very welcome both at the meeting and the festive board afterwards.
I feel visiting is a very important part of masonry in all the orders and you do not have to go to other provinces to visit, you can just go round all the consistories in your own province and you will be surprised who you see, and I know that you will always be made welcome and have a good time.
I go to most of the meetings in our province and if you think you would like to come with me just drop me an email and I am sure you will enjoy seeing how the other consistories do their work
and making new friends. Also if I am able to attend another province I would always be pleased to take you with me ( but being a tight Yorkshireman you would have to pay for your own meal but travelling would be free.)
Yours in the friendship of the Order
Dist.Comp.Keith McCully Asst.P.G.S
Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord
Province of East Anglia
Dear Companions
I have again had the privilege of being able to attend two more Scarlet Cord meetings one in Birmingham and one in North Yorkshire, and of course I met other companions at both meetings who I did not know at the start of the meetings, but felt that by the end of the meetings I had made more friends and I shall be looking out for them at other meetings when I visit. At both of the meetings the ceremonies were of a very good standard and well attended. On the visit to Birmingham I was accompanied by our Provincial Secretary Tom Auber and on the visit to North Yorkshire I was lucky enough to travel with our Provincial Grand Summus Peter Rollin – Tom Auber and our provincial D.C Geoff Keer, BUT this does not mean that only the provincial executive can travel to other provinces any companion can attend and if you are interested in going to other provinces please contact our provincial secretary Tom Auber and he will put you on his distribution list and then you will receive the calling notice and then if you want to go let him know and will find someone who can take you, but you do have to pay for your own lunch.
Keith McCully
Asst. Prov.Summus.